MaterialX 1.39.1
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CTextureBaker< Renderer, ShaderGen >::BakedConstant
 CTextureBaker< Renderer, ShaderGen >::BakedImage
 CCameraA simple camera class, supporting transform matrices and arcball functionality for object-viewing applications
 CShaderNode::ClassificationFlags for classifying nodes into different categories
 CClosureContextClass representing a context for closure evaluation
 CColorManagementSystemAbstract base class for color management systems
 CColorSpaceTransformStructure that represents color space transform information
 CEdgeAn edge between two connected Elements, returned during graph traversal
 CFactory< T >Factory class for creating instances of classes given their type name
 CFactory< ShaderNodeImpl >
 CFilePathA generic file path, supporting both syntactic and file system operations
 CFileSearchPathA sequence of file paths, which may be queried to find the first instance of a given filename on the file system
 CGenContextA context class for shader generation
 CGenOptionsClass holding options to configure shader generation
 CGeometryHandlerClass which holds a set of geometry loaders
 CGeometryLoaderBase class representing a geometry loader
 CGeomPathA MaterialX geometry path, representing the hierarchical location expressed by a geometry name
 CGLContextAn OpenGL context singleton
 CGLFramebufferWrapper for an OpenGL framebuffer
 CGlslProgramA class representing an executable GLSL program
 CGraphIteratorAn iterator object representing the state of an upstream graph traversal
 CHalfA lightweight 16-bit half-precision float class
 CVectorN< V, S, N >::HashFunction object for hashing vectors
 CTypeDesc::HasherHash operator
 CImageClass representing an image in system memory
 CImageHandlerBase image handler class
 CImageLoaderAbstract base class for file-system image loaders
 CImageSamplingKeyHasherClass used for hashing ImageSamplingProperties in an unordered_map
 CImageSamplingPropertiesInterface to describe sampling properties for images
 CInheritanceIteratorAn iterator object representing the current state of an inheritance traversal
 CGlslProgram::InputStructure to hold information about program inputs
 CLightHandlerUtility light handler for creating and providing light data for shader binding
 CMatrixBaseThe base class for square matrices of scalar values
 CMeshContainer for mesh data
 CMeshPartitionClass that describes a sub-region of a mesh using vertex indexing
 CMeshStreamClass to represent a mesh data stream
 CScopedFloatFormattingAn RAII class for controlling the float formatting of values
 CScopedSetClosureParamsA RAII class for setting extra parameters for closure evaluation, stored in the closure context
 CScopedSetVariableNameA RAII class for overriding port variable names
 CScopedTimerA class for scoped event timing
 CShaderClass containing all data needed during shader generation
 CShaderGeneratorBase class for shader generators All third-party shader generators should derive from this class
 CShaderGraphEdgeAn edge returned during shader graph traversal
 CShaderGraphEdgeIteratorIterator class for traversing edges between nodes in a shader graph
 CShaderMaterialAbstract class for shader generation and rendering of a ShaderMaterial
 CShaderMetadataMetadata to be exported to generated shader
 CShaderNodeClass representing a node in the shader generation DAG
 CShaderNodeImplClass handling the shader generation implementation for a node
 CShaderPortFlagFlags set on shader ports
 CShaderRendererBase class for renderers that generate shader code to produce images
 CShaderStageA shader stage, containing the state and resulting source code for the stage
 CShaderTranslatorA helper class for translating content between shading models
 CShadowStateHelper class representing shadow rendering state
 CShCoeffs< C, B >Class template for a vector of spherical harmonic coefficients
 CSimpleWindowA platform-independent window class
 CStringResolverA helper object for applying string modifiers to data values in the context of a specific element and geometry
 CSyntaxBase class for syntax objects used by shader generators to emit code with correct syntax for each language
 CTreeIteratorAn iterator object representing the state of a tree traversal
 CTypeDescA type descriptor for MaterialX data types
 CTypeDescRegistryHelper class for type registration
 CTypeSyntaxBase class for syntax handling of types
 CUIPropertiesSet of possible UI properties for an element
 CUIPropertyItemInterface for holding the UI properties associated shader port
 CUninitA tag class for constructing vectors and matrices without initialization
 CUnitConverterAn abstract base class for unit converters
 CUnitConverterRegistryA registry for unit converters
 CUnitSystemBase unit system support
 CUnitTransformStructure that represents unit transform information
 CValueA generic, discriminated value, whose type may be queried dynamically
 CVariableBlockA block of variables in a shader stage
 CVectorBaseThe base class for vectors of scalar values
 CWindowWrapperGeneric wrapper for encapsulating a "window" construct
 CXmlReadOptionsA set of options for controlling the behavior of XML read functions
 CXmlWriteOptionsA set of options for controlling the behavior of XML write functions