| EsslShaderGenerator (TypeSystemPtr typeSystem) |
| Constructor.
const string & | getTarget () const override |
| Return a unique identifier for the target this generator is for.
const string & | getVersion () const override |
| Return the version string for the ESSL version this generator is for.
string | getVertexDataPrefix (const VariableBlock &vertexData) const override |
| Determine the prefix of vertex data variables.
| GlslShaderGenerator (TypeSystemPtr typeSystem) |
| Constructor.
ShaderPtr | generate (const string &name, ElementPtr element, GenContext &context) const override |
| Generate a shader starting from the given element, translating the element and all dependencies upstream into shader code.
const string & | getTarget () const override |
| Return a unique identifier for the target this generator is for.
void | emitVariableDeclaration (const ShaderPort *variable, const string &qualifier, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, bool assignValue=true) const override |
| Emit a shader variable.
ShaderNodeImplPtr | getImplementation (const NodeDef &nodedef, GenContext &context) const override |
| Return a registered shader node implementation given an implementation element.
string | getVertexDataPrefix (const VariableBlock &vertexData) const override |
| Determine the prefix of vertex data variables.
virtual void | addStageLightingUniforms (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit code for active light count definitions and uniforms.
bool | nodeNeedsClosureData (const ShaderNode &node) const override |
| Return true if the node needs the ClosureData struct added.
virtual | ~ShaderGenerator () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | emitScopeBegin (ShaderStage &stage, Syntax::Punctuation punc=Syntax::CURLY_BRACKETS) const |
| Start a new scope using the given bracket type.
virtual void | emitScopeEnd (ShaderStage &stage, bool semicolon=false, bool newline=true) const |
| End the current scope.
virtual void | emitLineBegin (ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Start a new line.
virtual void | emitLineEnd (ShaderStage &stage, bool semicolon=true) const |
| End the current line.
virtual void | emitLineBreak (ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add a line break.
virtual void | emitString (const string &str, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add a string.
virtual void | emitLine (const string &str, ShaderStage &stage, bool semicolon=true) const |
| Add a single line of code, optionally appending a semicolon.
virtual void | emitComment (const string &str, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add a single line code comment.
virtual void | emitBlock (const string &str, const FilePath &sourceFilename, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add a block of code.
virtual void | emitLibraryInclude (const FilePath &filename, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add the contents of a standard library include file if not already present.
template<typename T> |
void | emitValue (const T &value, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add a value.
virtual void | emitFunctionDefinition (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add the function definition for a single node.
virtual void | emitFunctionDefinitions (const ShaderGraph &graph, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add all function definitions for a graph.
virtual void | emitFunctionCall (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Add the function call for a single node.
virtual void | emitFunctionCall (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, bool checkScope) const |
virtual void | emitFunctionCalls (const ShaderGraph &graph, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, uint32_t classification=0u) const |
| Add all function calls for a graph.
virtual void | emitDependentFunctionCalls (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, uint32_t classification=0u) const |
| Add function calls for nodes connected directly upstream from the given node.
virtual void | emitFunctionBodyBegin (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, Syntax::Punctuation punc=Syntax::CURLY_BRACKETS) const |
| Emit code for starting a new function body.
virtual void | emitFunctionBodyEnd (const ShaderNode &node, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit code for ending a function body.
virtual void | emitTypeDefinitions (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit type definitions for all data types that needs it.
virtual void | emitInput (const ShaderInput *input, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit the connected variable name for an input, or constant value if the port is not connected.
virtual void | emitOutput (const ShaderOutput *output, bool includeType, bool assignValue, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit the output variable name for an output, optionally including it's type and default value assignment.
virtual void | emitVariableDeclarations (const VariableBlock &block, const string &qualifier, const string &separator, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage, bool assignValue=true) const |
| Emit definitions for all shader variables in a block.
virtual string | getUpstreamResult (const ShaderInput *input, GenContext &context) const |
| Return the result of an upstream connection or value for an input.
const Syntax & | getSyntax () const |
| Return the syntax object for the language used by the code generator.
void | registerImplementation (const string &name, CreatorFunction< ShaderNodeImpl > creator) |
| Register a shader node implementation for a given implementation element name.
void | registerImplementation (const StringVec &nameVec, CreatorFunction< ShaderNodeImpl > creator) |
| Register a shader node implementation for a given set of implementation element names.
bool | implementationRegistered (const string &name) const |
| Determine if a shader node implementation has been registered for a given implementation element name.
void | setColorManagementSystem (ColorManagementSystemPtr colorManagementSystem) |
| Sets the color management system.
ColorManagementSystemPtr | getColorManagementSystem () const |
| Returns the color management system.
void | setUnitSystem (UnitSystemPtr unitSystem) |
| Sets the unit system.
UnitSystemPtr | getUnitSystem () const |
| Returns the unit system.
TypeSystemPtr | getTypeSystem () const |
| Returns the type system.
const StringMap & | getTokenSubstitutions () const |
| Return the map of token substitutions used by the generator.
virtual void | registerTypeDefs (const DocumentPtr &doc) |
| Register type definitions from the document.
virtual void | registerShaderMetadata (const DocumentPtr &doc, GenContext &context) const |
| Register metadata that should be exported to the generated shaders.
void | emitDirectives (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const override |
void | emitUniforms (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const override |
void | emitInputs (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const override |
void | emitOutputs (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const override |
HwResourceBindingContextPtr | getResourceBindingContext (GenContext &context) const override |
virtual void | emitVertexStage (const ShaderGraph &graph, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
virtual void | emitPixelStage (const ShaderGraph &graph, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
virtual void | emitConstants (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
virtual void | emitLightData (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
virtual bool | requiresLighting (const ShaderGraph &graph) const |
| Logic to indicate whether code to support direct lighting should be emitted.
virtual void | emitSpecularEnvironment (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit specular environment lookup code.
virtual void | emitTransmissionRender (GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit transmission rendering code.
virtual void | emitLightFunctionDefinitions (const ShaderGraph &graph, GenContext &context, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Emit function definitions for lighting code.
| HwShaderGenerator (TypeSystemPtr typeSystem, SyntaxPtr syntax) |
virtual ShaderPtr | createShader (const string &name, ElementPtr element, GenContext &context) const |
| Create and initialize a new HW shader for shader generation.
| ShaderGenerator (TypeSystemPtr typeSystem, SyntaxPtr syntax) |
| Protected constructor.
virtual ShaderStagePtr | createStage (const string &name, Shader &shader) const |
| Create a new stage in a shader.
void | setFunctionName (const string &functionName, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Set function name for a stage.
void | replaceTokens (const StringMap &substitutions, ShaderStage &stage) const |
| Replace tokens with identifiers according to the given substitutions map.
void | createVariables (ShaderGraphPtr graph, GenContext &context, Shader &shader) const |
| Create shader variables (e.g.
An ESSL (OpenGL ES Shading Language) shader generator.