MaterialX 1.39.1
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Color3 Class Reference

A three-component color value. More...

#include <Types.h>

Inheritance diagram for Color3:
VectorN< Color3, float, 3 > VectorBase

Public Member Functions

 Color3 (float r, float g, float b)
Color3 linearToSrgb () const
 Transform the given color from linear RGB to the sRGB encoding, returning the result as a new value.
Color3 srgbToLinear () const
 Transform the given color from the sRGB encoding to linear RGB, returning the result as a new value.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VectorN< Color3, float, 3 >
 VectorN (Uninit)
 VectorN (float s)
 VectorN (const std::array< float, N > &arr)
 VectorN (const vector< float > &vec)
 VectorN (const float *begin, const float *end)
bool operator== (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Return true if the given vector is identical to this one.
bool operator!= (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Return true if the given vector differs from this one.
bool operator< (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Compare two vectors lexicographically.
float & operator[] (size_t i)
 Return the scalar value at the given index.
const float & operator[] (size_t i) const
 Return the const scalar value at the given index.
Color3 operator+ (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Component-wise addition of two vectors.
VectorNoperator+= (const Color3 &rhs)
 Component-wise addition of two vectors.
Color3 operator- (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Component-wise subtraction of two vectors.
Color3 operator- () const
 Unary negation of a vector.
VectorNoperator-= (const Color3 &rhs)
 Component-wise subtraction of two vectors.
Color3 operator* (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Component-wise multiplication of two vectors.
Color3 operator* (float s) const
 Component-wise multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
VectorNoperator*= (const Color3 &rhs)
 Component-wise multiplication of two vectors.
VectorNoperator*= (float s)
 Component-wise multiplication of a vector by a scalar.
Color3 operator/ (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Component-wise division of two vectors.
Color3 operator/ (float s) const
 Component-wise division of a vector by a scalar.
VectorNoperator/= (const Color3 &rhs)
 Component-wise division of two vectors.
VectorNoperator/= (float s)
 Component-wise division of a vector by a scalar.
float getMagnitude () const
 Return the magnitude of the vector.
Color3 getNormalized () const
 Return a normalized vector.
float dot (const Color3 &rhs) const
 Return the dot product of two vectors.
Iterator begin ()
ConstIterator begin () const
Iterator end ()
ConstIterator end () const
float * data ()
 Return a pointer to the underlying data array.
const float * data () const
 Return a const pointer to the underlying data array.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from VectorN< Color3, float, 3 >
using Iterator = typename std::array< float, N >::iterator
using ConstIterator = typename std::array< float, N >::const_iterator
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VectorN< Color3, float, 3 >
static constexpr size_t numElements ()
 Return the number of scalar elements for the vector.
- Protected Attributes inherited from VectorN< Color3, float, 3 >
std::array< float, N > _arr

Detailed Description

A three-component color value.

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