CAggregateTypeSyntax | Specialization of TypeSyntax for aggregate types |
CAggregateValue | A subclass for aggregate values with multiple members |
CAttributeDef | An attribute definition element within a Document |
CBackdrop | A layout element used to contain, group and document nodes within a graph |
CBlurNode | Blur node implementation |
CCamera | A simple camera class, supporting transform matrices and arcball functionality for object-viewing applications |
CCgltfLoader | Wrapper for loader to read in GLTF files using the Cgltf library |
CClosureCompoundNode | Extending the CompoundNode with requirements for closures |
CClosureSourceCodeNode | Implementation for a closure node using data-driven static source code |
CCollection | A collection element within a Document |
CColor3 | A three-component color value |
CColor3d | A three-component color value (double-precision) |
CColor4 | A four-component color value |
CColorManagementSystem | Abstract base class for color management systems |
CColorSpaceTransform | Structure that represents color space transform information |
CCommentElement | An element representing a block of descriptive text within a document, which will be stored a comment when the document is written out |
CCompoundNode | Compound node implementation |
CConvolutionNode | Utility class for implementations of nodes which perform convolutions |
CDefaultColorManagementSystem | Class for a default color management system |
CDocument | A MaterialX document, which represents the top-level element in the MaterialX ownership hierarchy |
CEdge | An edge between two connected Elements, returned during graph traversal |
CElement | The base class for MaterialX elements |
CElementEquivalenceOptions | A set of options for comparing the functional equivalence of elements |
CEsslShaderGenerator | An ESSL (OpenGL ES Shading Language) shader generator |
CEsslSyntax | Syntax class for ESSL (OpenGL ES Shading Language) |
CException | The base class for exceptions that are propagated from the MaterialX library to the client application |
CExceptionFileMissing | An exception that is thrown when a requested file cannot be opened |
CExceptionFoundCycle | An exception that is thrown when a traversal call encounters a cycle |
CExceptionOrphanedElement | An exception that is thrown when an ElementPtr is used after its owning Document has gone out of scope |
CExceptionParseError | An exception that is thrown when a requested document cannot be parsed |
CExceptionRenderError | An exception that is thrown when a rendering operation fails |
CExceptionShaderGenError | An exception that is thrown when shader generation fails |
CExceptionTypeError | An exception that is thrown when a type mismatch is encountered |
CFactory | Factory class for creating instances of classes given their type name |
CFilePath | A generic file path, supporting both syntactic and file system operations |
CFileSearchPath | A sequence of file paths, which may be queried to find the first instance of a given filename on the file system |
CGenContext | A context class for shader generation |
CGenericElement | A generic element subclass, for instantiating elements with unrecognized categories |
CGenMdlOptions | Generator context data class to pass strings |
CGenOptions | Class holding options to configure shader generation |
CGenUserData | Base class for custom user data needed during shader generation |
CGeomElement | The base class for geometric elements, which support bindings to geometries and geometric collections |
CGeometryHandler | Class which holds a set of geometry loaders |
CGeometryLoader | Base class representing a geometry loader |
CGeomInfo | A geometry info element within a Document |
CGeomPath | A MaterialX geometry path, representing the hierarchical location expressed by a geometry name |
CGeomProp | A geometric property element within a GeomInfo |
CGeomPropDef | An element representing a declaration of geometric property data |
CGLContext | An OpenGL context singleton |
CGLFramebuffer | Wrapper for an OpenGL framebuffer |
CGlslImplementation | Base class for common GLSL node implementations |
CGlslMaterial | Helper class for GLSL generation and rendering of a material |
►CGlslProgram | A class representing an executable GLSL program |
CInput | Structure to hold information about program inputs |
CGlslRenderer | Helper class for rendering generated GLSL code to produce images |
CGlslResourceBindingContext | Class representing a resource binding for Glsl shader resources |
CGlslShaderGenerator | Base class for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) code generation |
CGlslStructTypeSyntax | Specialization of TypeSyntax for aggregate types |
CGlslSyntax | Syntax class for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) |
CGLTextureHandler | An OpenGL texture handler class |
CGraphElement | The base class for graph elements such as NodeGraph and Document |
CGraphIterator | An iterator object representing the state of an upstream graph traversal |
CHalf | A lightweight 16-bit half-precision float class |
CHwBitangentNode | Bitangent node implementation for hardware languages |
CHwBlurNode | Blur node implementation for Hw shader languages |
CHwFrameNode | Frame node implementation for hardware languages |
CHwGeomColorNode | GeomColor node implementation for Hw shader languages |
CHwGeomPropValueNode | GeomPropValue node implementation for Hw shader languages |
CHwGeomPropValueNodeAsUniform | GeomPropValue node non-implementation for Hw shader languages |
CHwHeightToNormalNode | HeightToNormal node implementation for Hw shader languages |
CHwImageNode | Extending the SourceCodeNode with requirements for image nodes |
CHwImplementation | Base class for HW node implementations |
CHwLightShaders | Hardware light shader user data |
CHwNormalNode | Normal node implementation for hardware languages |
CHwPositionNode | Position node implementation for hardware languages |
CHwResourceBindingContext | Class representing a context for resource binding for hardware resources |
CHwShaderGenerator | Base class for shader generators targeting HW rendering |
CHwTangentNode | Tangent node implementation for hardware languages |
CHwTexCoordNode | Generic texture coordinate node for hardware languages |
CHwTransformNode | Generic transformation node for hardware languages |
CHwTransformNormalNode | Normal transform implementation for hardware languages |
CHwTransformPointNode | Point transform implementation for hardware languages |
CHwTransformVectorNode | Vector transform implementation for hardware languages |
CHwViewDirectionNode | ViewDirection node implementation for hardware languages |
CImage | Class representing an image in system memory |
CImageHandler | Base image handler class |
CImageLoader | Abstract base class for file-system image loaders |
CImageSamplingKeyHasher | Class used for hashing ImageSamplingProperties in an unordered_map |
CImageSamplingProperties | Interface to describe sampling properties for images |
CImplementation | An implementation element within a Document |
CInheritanceIterator | An iterator object representing the current state of an inheritance traversal |
CInput | An input element within a Node or NodeDef |
CInterfaceElement | The base class for interface elements such as Node, NodeDef, and NodeGraph |
CLightCompoundNodeGlsl | LightCompound node implementation for GLSL |
CLightHandler | Utility light handler for creating and providing light data for shader binding |
CLightNodeGlsl | Light node implementation for GLSL |
CLightSamplerNodeGlsl | Utility node for sampling lights for GLSL |
CLightShaderNodeGlsl | LightShader node implementation for GLSL Used for all light shaders implemented in source code |
CLinearUnitConverter | A converter class for linear units that require only a scalar multiplication |
CLook | A look element within a Document |
CLookGroup | A look group element within a Document |
CMaterialAssign | A material assignment element within a Look |
CMaterialNode | Material node implementation |
CMatrix33 | A 3x3 matrix of floating-point values |
CMatrix44 | A 4x4 matrix of floating-point values |
CMatrixBase | The base class for square matrices of scalar values |
CMatrixN | The class template for square matrices of scalar values |
CMdlShaderGenerator | Shader generator for MDL (Material Definition Language) |
CMdlSyntax | Syntax class for MDL (Material Definition Language) |
CMember | A member element within a TypeDef |
CMesh | Container for mesh data |
CMeshPartition | Class that describes a sub-region of a mesh using vertex indexing |
CMeshStream | Class to represent a mesh data stream |
CNewlineElement | An element representing a newline within a document |
CNode | A node element within a NodeGraph or Document |
CNodeDef | A node definition element within a Document |
CNodeGraph | A node graph element within a Document |
CNopNode | A no operation node, to be used for organizational nodes that has no code to execute |
CNumLightsNodeGlsl | Utility node for getting number of active lights for GLSL |
COslRenderer | Helper class for rendering generated OSL code to produce images |
COslShaderGenerator | Base class for OSL (Open Shading Language) shader generators |
COslSyntax | Syntax class for OSL (Open Shading Language) |
COutput | A spatially-varying output element within a NodeGraph or NodeDef |
CPortElement | The base class for port elements such as Input and Output |
CProperty | A property element within a PropertySet |
CPropertyAssign | A property assignment element within a Look |
CPropertySet | A property set element within a Document |
CPropertySetAssign | A property set assignment element within a Look |
CQuaternion | A quaternion vector |
CScalarTypeSyntax | Specialization of TypeSyntax for scalar types |
CScopedFloatFormatting | An RAII class for controlling the float formatting of values |
CScopedSetVariableName | A RAII class for overriding port variable names |
CScopedTimer | A class for scoped event timing |
CShader | Class containing all data needed during shader generation |
CShaderGenerator | Base class for shader generators All third-party shader generators should derive from this class |
CShaderGraph | Class representing a graph (DAG) for shader generation |
CShaderGraphEdge | An edge returned during shader graph traversal |
CShaderGraphEdgeIterator | Iterator class for traversing edges between nodes in a shader graph |
CShaderInput | An input on a ShaderNode |
CShaderMaterial | Abstract class for shader generation and rendering of a ShaderMaterial |
CShaderMetadata | Metadata to be exported to generated shader |
CShaderMetadataRegistry | A registry for metadata that will be exported to the generated shader if found on nodes and inputs during shader generation |
►CShaderNode | Class representing a node in the shader generation DAG |
CClassification | Flags for classifying nodes into different categories |
CShaderNodeImpl | Class handling the shader generation implementation for a node |
CShaderOutput | An output on a ShaderNode |
CShaderPort | An input or output port on a ShaderNode |
CShaderPortFlag | Flags set on shader ports |
CShaderRenderer | Base class for renderers that generate shader code to produce images |
►CShaderStage | A shader stage, containing the state and resulting source code for the stage |
CScope | |
CShaderTranslator | A helper class for translating content between shading models |
CShadowState | Helper class representing shadow rendering state |
CShCoeffs | Class template for a vector of spherical harmonic coefficients |
CSimpleWindow | A platform-independent window class |
CSourceCodeNode | Implementation for a node using data-driven static source code |
CStbImageLoader | Stb image file loader |
CStringResolver | A helper object for applying string modifiers to data values in the context of a specific element and geometry |
CStringTypeSyntax | Specialization of TypeSyntax for string types |
CStructMemberDesc | Type descriptor for member of a struct type |
CStructTypeSyntax | Specialization of TypeSyntax for struct types |
CSurfaceNodeGlsl | Surface node implementation for GLSL |
CSyntax | Base class for syntax objects used by shader generators to emit code with correct syntax for each language |
CTargetDef | A definition of an implementation target |
►CTextureBaker | A helper class for baking procedural material content to textures |
CBakedConstant | |
CBakedImage | |
CTextureBakerGlsl | An implementation of TextureBaker based on GLSL shader generation |
CTinyObjLoader | Wrapper for geometry loader to read in OBJ files using the TinyObj library |
CToken | A token element representing a string value |
CTreeIterator | An iterator object representing the state of a tree traversal |
CTypeDef | A type definition element within a Document |
CTypedElement | The base class for typed elements |
►CTypeDesc | A type descriptor for MaterialX data types |
CDataBlock | Data block holding large data needed by the type description |
CHasher | Hash operator |
CTypedValue | The class template for typed subclasses of Value |
CTypeSyntax | Base class for syntax handling of types |
CTypeSystem | Class handling registration, storage and query of type descriptions |
CUIProperties | Set of possible UI properties for an element |
CUIPropertyItem | Interface for holding the UI properties associated shader port |
CUninit | A tag class for constructing vectors and matrices without initialization |
CUnit | A unit declaration within a UnitDef |
CUnitConverter | An abstract base class for unit converters |
CUnitConverterRegistry | A registry for unit converters |
CUnitDef | A unit definition element within a Document |
CUnitSystem | Base unit system support |
CUnitTransform | Structure that represents unit transform information |
CUnitTypeDef | A unit type definition element within a Document |
CUnlitSurfaceNodeGlsl | Unlit surface node implementation for GLSL |
CValue | A generic, discriminated value, whose type may be queried dynamically |
CValueElement | The base class for elements that support typed values |
CVariableBlock | A block of variables in a shader stage |
CVariant | A variant element within a VariantSet |
CVariantAssign | A variant assignment element within a Look |
CVariantSet | A variant set element within a Document |
CVector2 | A vector of two floating-point values |
CVector3 | A vector of three floating-point values |
CVector3d | A vector of three floating-point values (double-precision) |
CVector4 | A vector of four floating-point values |
CVector4d | A vector of four floating-point values (double-precision) |
CVectorBase | The base class for vectors of scalar values |
►CVectorN | The class template for vectors of scalar values |
CHash | Function object for hashing vectors |
CVisibility | A visibility element within a Look |
CVkResourceBindingContext | Class representing a resource binding for Vulkan Glsl shader resources |
CVkShaderGenerator | A Vulkan GLSL shader generator |
CVkSyntax | Syntax class for Vulkan GLSL |
CWindowWrapper | Generic wrapper for encapsulating a "window" construct |
CXmlReadOptions | A set of options for controlling the behavior of XML read functions |
CXmlWriteOptions | A set of options for controlling the behavior of XML write functions |