75class MX_GENSHADER_API GenOptions
99 virtual ~GenOptions() { }
Cross-platform support for file and search paths.
Method to use for directional albedo evaluation.
Definition GenOptions.h:52
Use a table look-up for directional albedo.
Definition GenOptions.h:57
Use Monte Carlo integration for directional albedo.
Definition GenOptions.h:60
Use an analytic approximation for directional albedo.
Definition GenOptions.h:54
Method to use for specular environment lighting.
Definition GenOptions.h:37
Do not use specular environment maps.
Definition GenOptions.h:39
Use Filtered Importance Sampling for specular environment/indirect lighting.
Definition GenOptions.h:43
Use pre-filtered environment maps for specular environment/indirect lighting.
Definition GenOptions.h:47
Method to use for transmission rendering.
Definition GenOptions.h:65
Use opacity for transmission rendering.
Definition GenOptions.h:70
Use a refraction approximation for transmission rendering.
Definition GenOptions.h:67
Type of shader interface to be generated.
Definition GenOptions.h:20
Create a reduced interface with uniforms only for the inputs that has been declared in the shaders no...
Definition GenOptions.h:32
Create a complete interface with uniforms for all editable inputs on all nodes used by the shader.
Definition GenOptions.h:26
Macros for declaring imported and exported symbols.
A generic file path, supporting both syntactic and file system operations.
Definition File.h:27
bool fileTextureVerticalFlip
If true the y-component of texture coordinates used for sampling file textures will be flipped before...
Definition GenOptions.h:112
unsigned int hwMaxActiveLightSources
Sets the maximum number of light sources that can be active at once.
Definition GenOptions.h:174
bool emitColorTransforms
Enable emitting colorspace transform code if a color management system is defined.
Definition GenOptions.h:135
bool hwWriteEnvPrefilter
Enables the generation of a prefiltered environment map.
Definition GenOptions.h:189
bool hwAmbientOcclusion
Enables ambient occlusion rendering for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:170
bool hwShadowMap
Enables shadow mapping for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:166
bool hwSrgbEncodeOutput
Enables an sRGB encoding for the color output on HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:158
string targetDistanceUnit
Define the target distance unit.
Definition GenOptions.h:122
HwTransmissionRenderMethod hwTransmissionRenderMethod
Sets the method to use for transmission rendering for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:154
string targetColorSpaceOverride
An optional override for the target color space.
Definition GenOptions.h:117
bool addUpstreamDependencies
Sets whether to include upstream dependencies for the element to generate a shader for.
Definition GenOptions.h:126
HwSpecularEnvironmentMethod hwSpecularEnvironmentMethod
Sets the method to use for specular environment lighting for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:146
bool hwTransparency
Sets if transparency is needed or not for HW shaders.
Definition GenOptions.h:142
HwDirectionalAlbedoMethod hwDirectionalAlbedoMethod
Sets the method to use for directional albedo evaluation for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:150
ShaderInterfaceType shaderInterfaceType
Sets the type of shader interface to be generated.
Definition GenOptions.h:106
bool hwImplicitBitangents
Calculate fallback bitangents from existing normals and tangents inside the bitangent node.
Definition GenOptions.h:193
bool hwWriteDepthMoments
Enables the writing of depth moments for HW shader targets.
Definition GenOptions.h:162
bool hwNormalizeUdimTexCoords
Sets whether to transform texture coordinates to normalize uv space when UDIMs images are bound to an...
Definition GenOptions.h:181
FilePath libraryPrefix
The standard library prefix, which will be applied to calls to emitLibraryInclude during code generat...
Definition GenOptions.h:131
bool hwWriteAlbedoTable
Enables the writing of a directional albedo table.
Definition GenOptions.h:185