A MaterialX document, which represents the top-level element in the MaterialX ownership hierarchy.
| Document (ElementPtr parent, const string &name) |
virtual void | initialize () |
| Initialize the document, removing any existing content.
virtual DocumentPtr | copy () const |
| Create a deep copy of the document.
StringSet | getReferencedSourceUris () const |
| Get a list of source URIs referenced by the document.
NodeDefPtr | addNodeDefFromGraph (NodeGraphPtr nodeGraph, const string &nodeDefName, const string &node, const string &version, bool isDefaultVersion, const string &nodeGroup, const string &newGraphName) |
void | setDataLibrary (ConstDocumentPtr dataLibrary) |
| Store a reference to a data library in this document.
bool | hasDataLibrary () const |
| Return true if this document has a data library.
ConstDocumentPtr | getDataLibrary () const |
| Return the data library, if any, referenced by this document.
void | importLibrary (const ConstDocumentPtr &library) |
| Import the given data library into this document.
NodeGraphPtr | addNodeGraph (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a NodeGraph to the document.
NodeGraphPtr | getNodeGraph (const string &name) const |
| Return the NodeGraph, if any, with the given name.
vector< NodeGraphPtr > | getNodeGraphs () const |
| Return a vector of all NodeGraph elements in the document.
void | removeNodeGraph (const string &name) |
| Remove the NodeGraph, if any, with the given name.
vector< PortElementPtr > | getMatchingPorts (const string &nodeName) const |
| Return a vector of all port elements that match the given node name.
GeomInfoPtr | addGeomInfo (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &geom=UNIVERSAL_GEOM_NAME) |
| Add a GeomInfo to the document.
GeomInfoPtr | getGeomInfo (const string &name) const |
| Return the GeomInfo, if any, with the given name.
vector< GeomInfoPtr > | getGeomInfos () const |
| Return a vector of all GeomInfo elements in the document.
void | removeGeomInfo (const string &name) |
| Remove the GeomInfo, if any, with the given name.
ValuePtr | getGeomPropValue (const string &geomPropName, const string &geom=UNIVERSAL_GEOM_NAME) const |
| Return the value of a geometric property for the given geometry string.
GeomPropDefPtr | addGeomPropDef (const string &name, const string &geomprop) |
| Add a GeomPropDef to the document.
GeomPropDefPtr | getGeomPropDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the GeomPropDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< GeomPropDefPtr > | getGeomPropDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all GeomPropDef elements in the document.
void | removeGeomPropDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the GeomPropDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< OutputPtr > | getMaterialOutputs () const |
| Return material-type outputs for all nodegraphs in the document.
LookPtr | addLook (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a Look to the document.
LookPtr | getLook (const string &name) const |
| Return the Look, if any, with the given name.
vector< LookPtr > | getLooks () const |
| Return a vector of all Look elements in the document.
void | removeLook (const string &name) |
| Remove the Look, if any, with the given name.
LookGroupPtr | addLookGroup (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a LookGroup to the document.
LookGroupPtr | getLookGroup (const string &name) const |
| Return the LookGroup, if any, with the given name.
vector< LookGroupPtr > | getLookGroups () const |
| Return a vector of all LookGroup elements in the document.
void | removeLookGroup (const string &name) |
| Remove the LookGroup, if any, with the given name.
CollectionPtr | addCollection (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a Collection to the document.
CollectionPtr | getCollection (const string &name) const |
| Return the Collection, if any, with the given name.
vector< CollectionPtr > | getCollections () const |
| Return a vector of all Collection elements in the document.
void | removeCollection (const string &name) |
| Remove the Collection, if any, with the given name.
TypeDefPtr | addTypeDef (const string &name) |
| Add a TypeDef to the document.
TypeDefPtr | getTypeDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the TypeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< TypeDefPtr > | getTypeDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all TypeDef elements in the document.
void | removeTypeDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the TypeDef, if any, with the given name.
NodeDefPtr | addNodeDef (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING, const string &node=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a NodeDef to the document.
NodeDefPtr | addNodeDefFromGraph (NodeGraphPtr nodeGraph, const string &nodeDefName, const string &category, const string &newGraphName) |
| Create a NodeDef and Functional Graph based on a Compound NodeGraph.
NodeDefPtr | getNodeDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the NodeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< NodeDefPtr > | getNodeDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all NodeDef elements in the document.
void | removeNodeDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the NodeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< NodeDefPtr > | getMatchingNodeDefs (const string &nodeName) const |
| Return a vector of all NodeDef elements that match the given node name.
AttributeDefPtr | addAttributeDef (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add an AttributeDef to the document.
AttributeDefPtr | getAttributeDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the AttributeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< AttributeDefPtr > | getAttributeDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all AttributeDef elements in the document.
void | removeAttributeDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the AttributeDef, if any, with the given name.
TargetDefPtr | addTargetDef (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add an TargetDef to the document.
TargetDefPtr | getTargetDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the AttributeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< TargetDefPtr > | getTargetDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all TargetDef elements in the document.
void | removeTargetDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the TargetDef, if any, with the given name.
PropertySetPtr | addPropertySet (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a PropertySet to the document.
PropertySetPtr | getPropertySet (const string &name) const |
| Return the PropertySet, if any, with the given name.
vector< PropertySetPtr > | getPropertySets () const |
| Return a vector of all PropertySet elements in the document.
void | removePropertySet (const string &name) |
| Remove the PropertySet, if any, with the given name.
VariantSetPtr | addVariantSet (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a VariantSet to the document.
VariantSetPtr | getVariantSet (const string &name) const |
| Return the VariantSet, if any, with the given name.
vector< VariantSetPtr > | getVariantSets () const |
| Return a vector of all VariantSet elements in the document.
void | removeVariantSet (const string &name) |
| Remove the VariantSet, if any, with the given name.
ImplementationPtr | addImplementation (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add an Implementation to the document.
ImplementationPtr | getImplementation (const string &name) const |
| Return the Implementation, if any, with the given name.
vector< ImplementationPtr > | getImplementations () const |
| Return a vector of all Implementation elements in the document.
void | removeImplementation (const string &name) |
| Remove the Implementation, if any, with the given name.
vector< InterfaceElementPtr > | getMatchingImplementations (const string &nodeDef) const |
| Return a vector of all node implementations that match the given NodeDef string.
UnitDefPtr | addUnitDef (const string &name) |
UnitDefPtr | getUnitDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the UnitDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< UnitDefPtr > | getUnitDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all Member elements in the TypeDef.
void | removeUnitDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the UnitDef, if any, with the given name.
UnitTypeDefPtr | addUnitTypeDef (const string &name) |
UnitTypeDefPtr | getUnitTypeDef (const string &name) const |
| Return the UnitTypeDef, if any, with the given name.
vector< UnitTypeDefPtr > | getUnitTypeDefs () const |
| Return a vector of all UnitTypeDef elements in the document.
void | removeUnitTypeDef (const string &name) |
| Remove the UnitTypeDef, if any, with the given name.
std::pair< int, int > | getVersionIntegers () const override |
| Return the major and minor versions as an integer pair.
void | upgradeVersion () |
| Upgrade the content of this document from earlier supported versions to the library version.
void | setColorManagementSystem (const string &cms) |
| Set the color management system string.
bool | hasColorManagementSystem () const |
| Return true if a color management system string has been set.
const string & | getColorManagementSystem () const |
| Return the color management system string.
void | setColorManagementConfig (const string &cmsConfig) |
| Set the color management config string.
bool | hasColorManagementConfig () const |
| Return true if a color management config string has been set.
const string & | getColorManagementConfig () const |
| Return the color management config string.
bool | validate (string *message=nullptr) const override |
| Validate that the given document is consistent with the MaterialX specification.
void | invalidateCache () |
| Invalidate cached data for optimized lookups within the given document.
NodePtr | addNode (const string &category, const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) |
| Add a Node to the graph.
NodePtr | addNodeInstance (ConstNodeDefPtr nodeDef, const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a Node that is an instance of the given NodeDef.
NodePtr | getNode (const string &name) const |
| Return the Node, if any, with the given name.
vector< NodePtr > | getNodes (const string &category=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Return a vector of all Nodes in the graph, optionally filtered by the given category string.
vector< NodePtr > | getNodesOfType (const string &nodeType) const |
| Return a vector of nodes in the graph which have a given type.
void | removeNode (const string &name) |
| Remove the Node, if any, with the given name.
NodePtr | addMaterialNode (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, ConstNodePtr shaderNode=nullptr) |
| Add a material node to the graph, optionally connecting it to the given shader node.
vector< NodePtr > | getMaterialNodes () const |
| Return a vector of all material nodes.
BackdropPtr | addBackdrop (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a Backdrop to the graph.
BackdropPtr | getBackdrop (const string &name) const |
| Return the Backdrop, if any, with the given name.
vector< BackdropPtr > | getBackdrops () const |
| Return a vector of all Backdrop elements in the graph.
void | removeBackdrop (const string &name) |
| Remove the Backdrop, if any, with the given name.
void | flattenSubgraphs (const string &target=EMPTY_STRING, NodePredicate filter=nullptr) |
| Flatten all subgraphs at the root scope of this graph element, recursively replacing each graph-defined node with its equivalent node network.
vector< ElementPtr > | topologicalSort () const |
| Return a vector of all children (nodes and outputs) sorted in topological order.
NodePtr | addGeomNode (ConstGeomPropDefPtr geomPropDef, const string &namePrefix) |
| If not yet present, add a geometry node to this graph matching the given property definition and name prefix.
string | asStringDot () const |
| Convert this graph to a string in the DOT language syntax.
void | setNodeDefString (const string &nodeDef) |
| Set the NodeDef string for the interface.
bool | hasNodeDefString () const |
| Return true if the given interface has a NodeDef string.
const string & | getNodeDefString () const |
| Return the NodeDef string for the interface.
InputPtr | addInput (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) |
| Add an Input to this interface.
InputPtr | getInput (const string &name) const |
| Return the Input, if any, with the given name.
vector< InputPtr > | getInputs () const |
| Return a vector of all Input elements.
size_t | getInputCount () const |
| Return the number of Input elements.
void | removeInput (const string &name) |
| Remove the Input, if any, with the given name.
InputPtr | getActiveInput (const string &name) const |
| Return the first Input with the given name that belongs to this interface, taking interface inheritance into account.
vector< InputPtr > | getActiveInputs () const |
| Return a vector of all Input elements that belong to this interface, taking inheritance into account.
OutputPtr | addOutput (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) |
| Add an Output to this interface.
OutputPtr | getOutput (const string &name) const |
| Return the Output, if any, with the given name.
vector< OutputPtr > | getOutputs () const |
| Return a vector of all Output elements.
size_t | getOutputCount () const |
| Return the number of Output elements.
void | removeOutput (const string &name) |
| Remove the Output, if any, with the given name.
OutputPtr | getActiveOutput (const string &name) const |
| Return the first Output with the given name that belongs to this interface, taking interface inheritance into account.
vector< OutputPtr > | getActiveOutputs () const |
| Return a vector of all Output elements that belong to this interface, taking inheritance into account.
void | setConnectedOutput (const string &inputName, OutputPtr output) |
| Set the output to which the given input is connected, creating a child input if needed.
OutputPtr | getConnectedOutput (const string &inputName) const |
| Return the output connected to the given input.
TokenPtr | addToken (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a Token to this interface.
TokenPtr | getToken (const string &name) const |
| Return the Token, if any, with the given name.
vector< TokenPtr > | getTokens () const |
| Return a vector of all Token elements.
void | removeToken (const string &name) |
| Remove the Token, if any, with the given name.
TokenPtr | getActiveToken (const string &name) const |
| Return the first Token with the given name that belongs to this interface, taking interface inheritance into account.
vector< TokenPtr > | getActiveTokens () const |
| Return a vector of all Token elements that belong to this interface, taking inheritance into account.
ValueElementPtr | getValueElement (const string &name) const |
| Return the ValueElement, if any, with the given name.
ValueElementPtr | getActiveValueElement (const string &name) const |
| Return the first value element with the given name that belongs to this interface, taking interface inheritance into account.
vector< ValueElementPtr > | getActiveValueElements () const |
| Return a vector of all value elements that belong to this interface, taking inheritance into account.
template<class T> |
InputPtr | setInputValue (const string &name, const T &value, const string &type=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Set the typed value of an input by its name, creating a child element to hold the input if needed.
ValuePtr | getInputValue (const string &name, const string &target=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Return the typed value of an input by its name, taking both the calling element and its declaration into account.
TokenPtr | setTokenValue (const string &name, const string &value) |
| Set the string value of a Token by its name, creating a child element to hold the Token if needed.
string | getTokenValue (const string &name) |
| Return the string value of a Token by its name, or an empty string if the given Token is not present.
void | setTarget (const string &target) |
| Set the target string of this interface.
bool | hasTarget () const |
| Return true if the given interface has a target string.
const string & | getTarget () const |
| Return the target string of this interface.
void | setVersionString (const string &version) |
| Set the version string of this interface.
bool | hasVersionString () const |
| Return true if this interface has a version string.
const string & | getVersionString () const |
| Return the version string of this interface.
void | setVersionIntegers (int majorVersion, int minorVersion) |
| Set the major and minor versions as an integer pair.
void | setDefaultVersion (bool defaultVersion) |
| Set the default version flag of this element.
bool | getDefaultVersion () const |
| Return the default version flag of this element.
virtual ConstInterfaceElementPtr | getDeclaration (const string &target=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Return the first declaration of this interface, optionally filtered by the given target name.
void | clearContent () override |
| Clear all attributes and descendants from this element.
bool | hasExactInputMatch (ConstInterfaceElementPtr declaration, string *message=nullptr) const |
| Return true if this instance has an exact input match with the given declaration, where each input of this the instance corresponds to a declaration input of the same name and type.
void | setType (const string &type) |
| Set the element's type string.
bool | hasType () const |
| Return true if the given element has a type string.
virtual const string & | getType () const |
| Return the element's type string.
bool | isColorType () const |
| Return true if the element is of color type.
bool | isMultiOutputType () const |
| Return true if the element is of multi-output type.
TypeDefPtr | getTypeDef () const |
| Return the TypeDef declaring the type string of this element.
| Element (const Element &)=delete |
Element & | operator= (const Element &)=delete |
bool | operator== (const Element &rhs) const |
| Return true if the given element tree, including all descendants, is identical to this one.
bool | operator!= (const Element &rhs) const |
| Return true if the given element tree, including all descendants, differs from this one.
void | setCategory (const string &category) |
| Set the element's category string.
const string & | getCategory () const |
| Return the element's category string.
void | setName (const string &name) |
| Set the element's name string.
const string & | getName () const |
| Return the element's name string.
string | getNamePath (ConstElementPtr relativeTo=nullptr) const |
| Return the element's hierarchical name path, relative to the root document.
ElementPtr | getDescendant (const string &namePath) const |
| Return the element specified by the given hierarchical name path, relative to the current element.
void | setFilePrefix (const string &prefix) |
| Set the element's file prefix string.
bool | hasFilePrefix () const |
| Return true if the given element has a file prefix string.
const string & | getFilePrefix () const |
| Return the element's file prefix string.
const string & | getActiveFilePrefix () const |
| Return the file prefix string that is active at the scope of this element, taking all ancestor elements into account.
void | setGeomPrefix (const string &prefix) |
| Set the element's geom prefix string.
bool | hasGeomPrefix () const |
| Return true if the given element has a geom prefix string.
const string & | getGeomPrefix () const |
| Return the element's geom prefix string.
const string & | getActiveGeomPrefix () const |
| Return the geom prefix string that is active at the scope of this element, taking all ancestor elements into account.
void | setColorSpace (const string &colorSpace) |
| Set the element's color space string.
bool | hasColorSpace () const |
| Return true if the given element has a color space string.
const string & | getColorSpace () const |
| Return the element's color space string.
const string & | getActiveColorSpace () const |
| Return the color space string that is active at the scope of this element, taking all ancestor elements into account.
void | setInheritString (const string &inherit) |
| Set the inherit string of this element.
bool | hasInheritString () const |
| Return true if this element has an inherit string.
const string & | getInheritString () const |
| Return the inherit string of this element.
void | setInheritsFrom (ConstElementPtr super) |
| Set the element that this one directly inherits from.
ElementPtr | getInheritsFrom () const |
| Return the element, if any, that this one directly inherits from.
bool | hasInheritedBase (ConstElementPtr base) const |
| Return true if this element has the given element as an inherited base, taking the full inheritance chain into account.
bool | hasInheritanceCycle () const |
| Return true if the inheritance chain for this element contains a cycle.
void | setNamespace (const string &space) |
| Set the namespace string of this element.
bool | hasNamespace () const |
| Return true if this element has a namespace string.
const string & | getNamespace () const |
| Return the namespace string of this element.
string | getQualifiedName (const string &name) const |
| Return a qualified version of the given name, taking the namespace at the scope of this element into account.
void | setDocString (const string &doc) |
| Set the documentation string of this element.
string | getDocString () const |
| Return the documentation string of this element.
template<class T> |
bool | isA (const string &category=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Return true if this element belongs to the given subclass.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< T > | asA () |
| Dynamic cast to an instance of the given subclass.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< const T > | asA () const |
| Dynamic cast to a const instance of the given subclass.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< T > | addChild (const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a child element of the given subclass and name.
ElementPtr | addChildOfCategory (const string &category, string name=EMPTY_STRING) |
| Add a child element of the given category and name.
ElementPtr | changeChildCategory (ElementPtr child, const string &category) |
| Change the category of the given child element.
ElementPtr | getChild (const string &name) const |
| Return the child element, if any, with the given name.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< T > | getChildOfType (const string &name) const |
| Return the child element, if any, with the given name and subclass.
const vector< ElementPtr > & | getChildren () const |
| Return a constant vector of all child elements.
template<class T> |
vector< shared_ptr< T > > | getChildrenOfType (const string &category=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Return a vector of all child elements that are instances of the given subclass, optionally filtered by the given category string.
void | setChildIndex (const string &name, int index) |
| Set the index of the child, if any, with the given name.
int | getChildIndex (const string &name) const |
| Return the index of the child, if any, with the given name.
void | removeChild (const string &name) |
| Remove the child element, if any, with the given name.
template<class T> |
void | removeChildOfType (const string &name) |
| Remove the child element, if any, with the given name and subclass.
void | setAttribute (const string &attrib, const string &value) |
| Set the value string of the given attribute.
bool | hasAttribute (const string &attrib) const |
| Return true if the given attribute is present.
const string & | getAttribute (const string &attrib) const |
| Return the value string of the given attribute.
const StringVec & | getAttributeNames () const |
| Return a vector of stored attribute names, in the order they were set.
template<class T> |
void | setTypedAttribute (const string &attrib, const T &data) |
| Set the value of an implicitly typed attribute.
template<class T> |
T | getTypedAttribute (const string &attrib) const |
| Return the value of an implicitly typed attribute.
void | removeAttribute (const string &attrib) |
| Remove the given attribute, if present.
ElementPtr | getSelf () |
| Return our self pointer.
ConstElementPtr | getSelf () const |
| Return our self pointer.
ElementPtr | getParent () |
| Return our parent element.
ConstElementPtr | getParent () const |
| Return our parent element.
ElementPtr | getRoot () |
| Return the root element of our tree.
ConstElementPtr | getRoot () const |
| Return the root element of our tree.
DocumentPtr | getDocument () |
| Return the root document of our tree.
ConstDocumentPtr | getDocument () const |
| Return the root document of our tree.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< T > | getAncestorOfType () |
| Return the first ancestor of the given subclass, or an empty shared pointer if no ancestor of this subclass is found.
template<class T> |
shared_ptr< const T > | getAncestorOfType () const |
| Return the first ancestor of the given subclass, or an empty shared pointer if no ancestor of this subclass is found.
bool | isEquivalent (ConstElementPtr rhs, const ElementEquivalenceOptions &options, string *message=nullptr) const |
| Return true if the given element tree, including all descendents, is considered to be equivalent to this one based on the equivalence criteria provided.
virtual bool | isAttributeEquivalent (ConstElementPtr rhs, const string &attributeName, const ElementEquivalenceOptions &options, string *message=nullptr) const |
| Return true if the attribute on a given element is equivalent based on the equivalence criteria provided.
TreeIterator | traverseTree () const |
| Traverse the tree from the given element to each of its descendants in depth-first order, using pre-order visitation.
GraphIterator | traverseGraph () const |
| Traverse the dataflow graph from the given element to each of its upstream sources in depth-first order, using pre-order visitation.
virtual Edge | getUpstreamEdge (size_t index=0) const |
| Return the Edge with the given index that lies directly upstream from this element in the dataflow graph.
virtual size_t | getUpstreamEdgeCount () const |
| Return the number of queryable upstream edges for this element.
ElementPtr | getUpstreamElement (size_t index=0) const |
| Return the Element with the given index that lies directly upstream from this one in the dataflow graph.
InheritanceIterator | traverseInheritance () const |
| Traverse the inheritance chain from the given element to each element from which it inherits.
void | setSourceUri (const string &sourceUri) |
| Set the element's source URI.
bool | hasSourceUri () const |
| Return true if this element has a source URI.
const string & | getSourceUri () const |
| Return the element's source URI.
const string & | getActiveSourceUri () const |
| Return the source URI that is active at the scope of this element, taking all ancestor elements into account.
void | copyContentFrom (const ConstElementPtr &source) |
| Copy all attributes and descendants from the given element to this one.
string | createValidChildName (string name) const |
| Using the input name as a starting point, modify it to create a valid, unique name for a child element.
StringResolverPtr | createStringResolver (const string &geom=EMPTY_STRING) const |
| Construct a StringResolver at the scope of this element.
string | asString () const |
| Return a single-line description of this element, including its category, name, and attributes.