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MaterialX 1.39.3
This is the complete list of members for Variant, including all inherited members.
_attributeMap (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_attributeOrder (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_category (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_childMap (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_childOrder (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_name (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_parent (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_root (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
_sourceUri (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
addChild(const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) | Element | |
addChildOfCategory(const string &category, string name=EMPTY_STRING) | Element | |
addInput(const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) | InterfaceElement | inline |
addOutput(const string &name=EMPTY_STRING, const string &type=DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) | InterfaceElement | inline |
addToken(const string &name=EMPTY_STRING) | InterfaceElement | inline |
asA() | Element | |
asA() const | Element | |
asString() const | Element | |
CATEGORY (defined in Variant) | Variant | static |
changeChildCategory(ElementPtr child, const string &category) | Element | |
clearContent() override | InterfaceElement | virtual |
COLOR_SPACE_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
ConstDocumentPtr typedef (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
ConstNodeDefPtr typedef (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | protected |
copyContentFrom(const ConstElementPtr &source) | Element | |
createStringResolver(const string &geom=EMPTY_STRING) const | Element | |
createValidChildName(string name) const | Element | inline |
DEFAULT_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | static |
DOC_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
DocumentPtr typedef (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
Element(ElementPtr parent, const string &category, const string &name) (defined in Element) | Element | inlineprotected |
Element(const Element &)=delete (defined in Element) | Element | |
FILE_PREFIX_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
GEOM_PREFIX_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
getActiveColorSpace() const | Element | inline |
getActiveFilePrefix() const | Element | inline |
getActiveGeomPrefix() const | Element | inline |
getActiveInput(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveInputs() const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveOutput(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveOutputs() const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveSourceUri() const | Element | inline |
getActiveToken(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveTokens() const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveValueElement(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | |
getActiveValueElements() const | InterfaceElement | |
getAncestorOfType() | Element | inline |
getAncestorOfType() const | Element | inline |
getAttribute(const string &attrib) const | Element | inline |
getAttributeNames() const | Element | inline |
getCategory() const | Element | inline |
getChild(const string &name) const | Element | inline |
getChildIndex(const string &name) const | Element | |
getChildOfType(const string &name) const | Element | |
getChildren() const | Element | inline |
getChildrenOfType(const string &category=EMPTY_STRING) const | Element | |
getColorSpace() const | Element | inline |
getConnectedOutput(const string &inputName) const | InterfaceElement | |
getDeclaration(const string &target=EMPTY_STRING) const | InterfaceElement | virtual |
getDefaultVersion() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getDescendant(const string &namePath) const | Element | |
getDocString() const | Element | inline |
getDocument() | Element | |
getDocument() const | Element | |
getFilePrefix() const | Element | inline |
getGeomPrefix() const | Element | inline |
getInheritsFrom() const | Element | inline |
getInheritString() const | Element | inline |
getInput(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getInputCount() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getInputs() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getInputValue(const string &name, const string &target=EMPTY_STRING) const | InterfaceElement | |
getName() const | Element | inline |
getNamePath(ConstElementPtr relativeTo=nullptr) const | Element | |
getNamespace() const | Element | inline |
getNodeDefString() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getOutput(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getOutputCount() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getOutputs() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getParent() | Element | inline |
getParent() const | Element | inline |
getQualifiedName(const string &name) const | Element | inline |
getRoot() | Element | |
getRoot() const | Element | |
getSelf() | Element | inline |
getSelf() const | Element | inline |
getSelfNonConst() const (defined in Element) | Element | inlineprotected |
getSourceUri() const | Element | inline |
getTarget() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getToken(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getTokens() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getTokenValue(const string &name) | InterfaceElement | inline |
getType() const | TypedElement | inlinevirtual |
getTypedAttribute(const string &attrib) const | Element | inline |
getTypeDef() const | TypedElement | |
getUpstreamEdge(size_t index=0) const | Element | virtual |
getUpstreamEdgeCount() const | Element | inlinevirtual |
getUpstreamElement(size_t index=0) const | Element | |
getValueElement(const string &name) const | InterfaceElement | inline |
getVersionIntegers() const | InterfaceElement | virtual |
getVersionString() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
hasAttribute(const string &attrib) const | Element | inline |
hasColorSpace() const | Element | inline |
hasExactInputMatch(ConstInterfaceElementPtr declaration, string *message=nullptr) const | InterfaceElement | |
hasFilePrefix() const | Element | inline |
hasGeomPrefix() const | Element | inline |
hasInheritanceCycle() const | Element | |
hasInheritedBase(ConstElementPtr base) const | Element | |
hasInheritString() const | Element | inline |
hasNamespace() const | Element | inline |
hasNodeDefString() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
hasSourceUri() const | Element | inline |
hasTarget() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
hasType() const | TypedElement | inline |
hasVersionString() const | InterfaceElement | inline |
INHERIT_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
InterfaceElement(ElementPtr parent, const string &category, const string &name) (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | inlineprotected |
isA(const string &category=EMPTY_STRING) const | Element | inline |
isAttributeEquivalent(ConstElementPtr rhs, const string &attributeName, const ElementEquivalenceOptions &options, string *message=nullptr) const | Element | virtual |
isColorType() const | TypedElement | inline |
isEquivalent(ConstElementPtr rhs, const ElementEquivalenceOptions &options, string *message=nullptr) const | Element | |
isMultiOutputType() const | TypedElement | inline |
NAME_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
NODE_DEF_ATTRIBUTE (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | static |
NodeDefPtr typedef (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | protected |
operator!=(const Element &rhs) const | Element | |
operator=(const Element &)=delete (defined in Element) | Element | |
operator==(const Element &rhs) const | Element | |
registerChildElement(ElementPtr child) override (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | protectedvirtual |
removeAttribute(const string &attrib) | Element | |
removeChild(const string &name) | Element | |
removeChildOfType(const string &name) | Element | inline |
removeInput(const string &name) | InterfaceElement | inline |
removeOutput(const string &name) | InterfaceElement | inline |
removeToken(const string &name) | InterfaceElement | inline |
resolveNameReference(const string &name, ConstElementPtr parent=nullptr) const (defined in Element) | Element | inlineprotected |
setAttribute(const string &attrib, const string &value) | Element | |
setCategory(const string &category) | Element | inline |
setChildIndex(const string &name, int index) | Element | |
setColorSpace(const string &colorSpace) | Element | inline |
setConnectedOutput(const string &inputName, OutputPtr output) | InterfaceElement | |
setDefaultVersion(bool defaultVersion) | InterfaceElement | inline |
setDocString(const string &doc) | Element | inline |
setFilePrefix(const string &prefix) | Element | inline |
setGeomPrefix(const string &prefix) | Element | inline |
setInheritsFrom(ConstElementPtr super) | Element | inline |
setInheritString(const string &inherit) | Element | inline |
setInputValue(const string &name, const T &value, const string &type=EMPTY_STRING) | InterfaceElement | |
setName(const string &name) | Element | |
setNamespace(const string &space) | Element | inline |
setNodeDefString(const string &nodeDef) | InterfaceElement | inline |
setSourceUri(const string &sourceUri) | Element | inline |
setTarget(const string &target) | InterfaceElement | inline |
setTokenValue(const string &name, const string &value) | InterfaceElement | inline |
setType(const string &type) | TypedElement | inline |
setTypedAttribute(const string &attrib, const T &data) | Element | inline |
setVersionIntegers(int majorVersion, int minorVersion) | InterfaceElement | |
setVersionString(const string &version) | InterfaceElement | inline |
TARGET_ATTRIBUTE (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | static |
traverseGraph() const | Element | |
traverseInheritance() const | Element | |
traverseTree() const | Element | |
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE (defined in TypedElement) | TypedElement | static |
TypeDefPtr typedef (defined in TypedElement) | TypedElement | protected |
TypedElement(ElementPtr parent, const string &category, const string &name) (defined in TypedElement) | TypedElement | inlineprotected |
unregisterChildElement(ElementPtr child) override (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | protectedvirtual |
validate(string *message=nullptr) const | Element | virtual |
validateRequire(bool expression, bool &res, string *message, const string &errorDesc) const (defined in Element) | Element | protected |
Variant(ElementPtr parent, const string &name) (defined in Variant) | Variant | inline |
VERSION_ATTRIBUTE (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | static |
XPOS_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
YPOS_ATTRIBUTE (defined in Element) | Element | static |
~Element() (defined in Element) | Element | inlinevirtual |
~InterfaceElement() (defined in InterfaceElement) | InterfaceElement | inlinevirtual |
~TypedElement() (defined in TypedElement) | TypedElement | inlinevirtual |
~Variant() (defined in Variant) | Variant | inlinevirtual |